
The GRC is a non-profit professional association for the geothermal industry and community. We were founded in 1972 and are headquartered in Davis, California.

Our mission is to advance our industry by supporting the development of geothermal energy resources through communication of robust research, knowledge and guidance. With over 1200 members in 44 countries, the GRC is active around the world, paying attention to the needs of our members in any state or country. With the experience and dedication of its diverse membership bolstering a 48-year track record, the GRC has built a solid reputation as the world’s largest geothermal direct-membership organization.

The GRC Annual Meeting & Expo is the geothermal industry’s flagship annual tradeshow and technical conference. Attendees at our Annual Meeting reflect the global nature of the geothermal industry, with over 1000 visitors representing 33 countries, 240 companies, and 40 universities at our meeting in Reno, Nevada, in 2018. The GRC has been successfully delivering this meeting each year since 1986.

We actively seek to expand our role as a dynamic and diverse professional association for the geothermal community. In 2018, the two major U.S.-based professional and industry organizations, the Geothermal Energy Association and the Geothermal Resources Council consolidated under the GRC name.

The GRC serves as a focal point for continuing professional development for its members and helps provide information to the general public through its communication and education services. It informs and guides corporate, academic and government leaders. A Policy Committee (optional for our members to join) advocates to policy makers at all levels for geothermal as part of the mix of clean renewable energy needed to help combat climate change.

More on the GRC, our activities and educational resources can be found on our main website at http://www.geothermal.org.